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Custom Mixes, New Items, and Spring Thaw!

Design Your Own Custom Mix!

Have you ever wanted to add a particular amendment to your germination and growing mixes but were too afraid to ask? No need to be afraid! We are happy to make custom batches for customers! You can start from the ground up, or take an existing mix of ours and add your favorite soil amendment to the mix! Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing: add mycorrhizae inoculant to your soil to give your starts a big boost! As you plant up, the symbiotic glomus continues to grow along with your roots, spreading health and well-being throughout your soil ecosystem. Or perhaps you’d like to add a mineral such as azomite or zeolite? The world is your oyster!

There are caveats, however: When purchasing a custom batch, the added raw materials will affect price, and are subject to availability. In addition, customers must commit to ordering in batch quantities, i.e., at least one batch, and must commit to purchasing any over-run of the desired quantity of bags. Call 319-643-5550 for a quote. But if you don’t need a whole batch yourself, maybe you can team up with a neighbor and split it.

New Items!

We are proud to announce that we are now carrying Suståne Natural Fertilizers! This OMRI Listed, compost-based fertilizer is suitable for organic production. We carry their 4-6-4 and their 5-2-4. You can place it in furrows for seeding or transplanting, top dress with it, or mix it in your soil. Want us to mix some into your custom germination mix! Would you like a different product of theirs? No problem! Give us a call!

Since these are new items we are trying to get a handle on how much to order, so please per-order by no later than March 18th if you want to have some right away! You can order by phone (319)-643-5550 or by email (

Spring Thaw

As winter finally begins to relent, we are excited to be germinating some wildflowers for our outside areas. We’re growing native echinacea, coneflower, milkweed, indigo, rattlesnake master, marsh blazing star, bellfower, and bluebells. Keep your eyes peeled for a plant sale coming soon!

We’ve also been doing some spring cleaning, and cleaned up our entire production area. We got quite a lot of floor dirt out of the last one! We hope your Spring season is off to a wonderful start, and we are excited for the coming growing season. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! We hope you have a wonderful day!